Amethyst Serum
The Amethyst Serum is the most common of Byte's creations. When added to the fusion ritual, it helps safeguard 85% of your PXP from being consumed by the flames. This results in a net PXP burn of 15% versus the default 30%.
Price: ~$30
PXP Preservation: 85%
Color: Rich, royal purple
Type: Rich in abundance, easy to produce
Citrine Serum
More difficult to brew in large quantities, the Citrine Serum protects 90% of your PXP from the Fusionator. Its golden glow hints at even greater riches. This results in a net PXP burn of 10% versus the default 30%.
Price: ~$60
PXP Preservation: 90%
Color: Warm, golden sunlit yellow
Type: Scarce
Rainbow Prism Serum
The rarest and most coveted elixir is the Prism Serum. Its dazzling rainbow hues signify near perfect PXP preservation at 99%. But Dr. Byte produces only miniscule amounts as the primary component remains extremely rare and hard to obtain, so few will ever be produced. This results in a net PXP burn of only 1%!
Price: ~$240
PXP Preservation: 99%
Color: All colors of the rainbow
Type: Ultra Rare
An example of the resulting PXP for a fusion done with or without PXP Stabilizer Serums:
NFT #1 - 5,000 PXP NFT #2 - 6,000 PXP
Standard Fusion: 30% PXP Burn, Resulting NFT = 7,700 PXP w/ Amethyst Serum: 15% PXP Burn, Resulting NFT =9,350 PXP w/ Citrine Serum: 10% PXP Burn, Resulting NFT =9,900 PXP w/ Prism Serum: 1% PXP Burn, Resulting NFT =10,890 PXP
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